13.9.2014: First Survey - Results
Here the results of the first survey using SurveyMonkey. Selected players of the top 200 (according to SP) were addressed. Furthermore, some other known players were invited. Of the 85 players contacted 56 took the survey. Thanks to all of them!
Note: This result just is an indicator of the "quality" of information that has been gathered in this process. Players that have completed the survey are experienced players; most of them rank 9+.
Note: In this question a player could choose up to 3 strategies.
Note: These results reflect the preferences of the survey population. It is not an indicator to the preferences of the whole player community. Most probably scenarios, RP and UN would have stronger votes. Nevertheless, it is also an indicator as to the quality of the further information, since "competitive" players have given their opinion on upgrades per strategies. I assume they know what they are talking about; they are eager to optimize their upgrades for competitive games.
Based on the previous results, this is the prioritization of the upgrades according to the strategies PD, SM, RA, GW and MoS.